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the House of Polignac

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"Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and
wayward youngsters and of family disagreements."
- Queen Elizabeth II

How to prove

The Netherlands did not say "morganic marriage"



NIZZA - А метрики остались в Ницце - Вы сохраните! Пригодится

Prince Pierre and Princess Charlotte were judicially separated on 20 March 1930 at Paris,

and divorced by ordinance of Prince Louis II on 18 February 1933.

- Бабушка Ната, а кем был Ваш муж?

- Ювелиром*. У нас в Петербурге был свой магазин, салон...


- А что случилось потом?

- Потом нас подожгли, и всё сгорело. Мы едва успели спастись. И сразу же переехали в Тбилиси.


- А что произошло поcле Вашего переезда в Тбилиси?

- Георгий ... умер... И в память о нём осталась одна картина. И ещё аметист. Величиной с голубиное яйцо


- А дядя Володя?

- Его отец всегда мечтал иметь сына. И всегда его очень любил и баловал... Ушёл только ...рано. ...Слишком рано. Зато у меня теперь есть прекрасная невестка, внучка и правнук!


- А где они?


*Gilbert Albert Jeweller Haus [this suit is too big for me]


Polignac Haus

Pierre de Polignac of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois, Comte de Polignac (24 October 189510 November 1964) is best known for having been the father of Rainier III of Monaco, and thus the paternal grandfather of Albert II of Monaco.

He married civilly 18 March 1920 in Monaco Princess Charlotte of Monaco (née Charlotte Louise Juliette Louvet), the illegitimate but later adopted daughter of Louis II of Monaco and Marie Juliette Louvet. Because a female Grimaldi of the princely house of Monaco could inherit the throne only if her husband was also a Grimaldi, Pierre de Polignac became Prince Pierre Grimaldi on 18 March 1920, the day before his religious marriage. He also acquired, via marriage, the title of Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre and Princess Charlotte were judicially separated on 20 March 1930 at Paris, and divorced by ordinance of Prince Louis II on 18 February 1933.


Proves of the 2nd family existence to get the divorce for the 2nd marriage - photos. Just change names. Twice.

The roads crossed,

Crossed peoples' lives,

And go through their love, lifestyles...

The Great Britain does not say "morganic marriage-2"

No inbreeding - Only fate

House of Grimaldi - cadet branch of the House of Polignac


"Nor could a reigning or hereditary prince adopt an heir prior to age 50, according to a 1918 law."

The wedding ceremony has to be held before March, 14, 2008(!)

to escape any press-manipulations because of the Dolphin Year-2007

PhoneTalk "Russian Christmas" (7 January 2008)
Monday 7th January at 6.15pm, Theatre des Varietes: Talk organized by the Prince Pierre Foundation of Monaco (to be confirmed*).

PhoneTalk (14 January 2008)
Monday 14th January at 6.15pm,
Theatre des Varietes: Talk organized by the Prince Pierre Foundation of Monaco. Concert organized by the Crescendo Association (to be confirmed*).

PhoneDance (19 January 2008)
Saturday 19th January at 8.30pm, Theatre des Varietes: Dance show presented by the students of Monaco Rock et Danses
(to be confirmed*).

PhoneTalk (21 January 2008)
Monday 21st January at 6.15pm,
Theatre des Varietes: Talk organized by the Prince Pierre Foundation of Monaco (to be confirmed*).

Circus on Phone (22 January 2008)
Tuesday 22nd January at 8pm, Espace Fontvieille: 32nd Monte- Carlo International Circus Festival: Gala evening with the award winning acts.

PhoneTalk (23 January 2008)
Wednesday 23rd January at 6.15pm,
Theatre des Varietes: Talk organized by the Society Dante Alighieri de Monaco.

La Législation Monégasque du Travail
et sa Jurisprudence

The work of the adviser - analytics of the Kingdom of Monaco (analysis plus synthesis) - a master of non-standard decisions. The adviser does not accept final decisions.

Плыву, пути не разбирая?

PrivatTalk (28 January 2008)

Thema: "Which of duties will be good for the Queen of Monaco?"
Monday 28th January at 6.15pm, Theatre des Varietes*:

Talk organized by the Prince Pierre Foundation of Monaco (it will be confirmed)

* the homephone's the same



The King Game without rules

Avunculus N2 did not work

Кто режиссёр моей всей жизни?

Ференцу Листу пришлось отказаться играть для Изабеллы II, поскольку, согласно требованиям испанского этикета,

его не представили ей лично

"Who is my father?" - Where is my faaaar brother?

The King Game without rules?

Avunculus N2 does not work

Pass to Avunculus N1 again

Guilt and sin


Proves? The highest ones

Я никому не изменяю

young social mobile Lady

die Familie Plannung wieder: das Kaiser(in)sBlut

5th Emperior's Element

Романовых крестили Фёдоровской иконой Божьей матери Марии

The Emperor's Romanovs' Family DNA

Hosted by uCoz